5 Reasons why India is an excellent market for BPO Services

In India, Business Process Outsourcing (BPO) is the fastest-growing segment of the Information Technology Support Services (ITES) industry. India’s share of the global offshore software and back-office services outsourcing market is 46%.

According to a recent survey, 84% of US companies would prefer to outsource BPO services including data processing, data analysis, website design, search engine marketing, and other processes to India.

Reasons why India is an excellent market for BPO

1.1 Cost-effective
1.2 Skilled workforce
1.3 Less risky
1.4 Better technology
1.5 24/7 support

Here are some reasons why India is one of the best countries to outsource BPO services. BPO outsourcing services in India can help reduce overall costs, improve work quality, shorten time to market, and more.

1)  Cost-effective

India has been the main competitor of various outsourcing companies around the world for attractive wage margins.

The main reason why India remains the leading outsourcing provider is because of the significant cost savings that companies can achieve. The cost of outsourcing in India is much lower than in developed countries.

Instead of hiring in-house, companies can outsource their operations to India and take advantage of lower labor costs. Offshore companies are beginning to enjoy huge economic benefits by outsourcing business process services to India.

2) Skilled workforce

While cost plays an important role in outsourcing, the consistent high quality of Indian outsourcing companies also keeps India a leading outsourcing destination.

India leads the business process outsourcing industry with its huge pool of professionals, which proves to be an ideal location for offshoring. With outsourcing to India, you can access skilled professionals as needed, which can help you deal with difficult business situations.

India has been at the top of many lists of the best software development outsourcing companies.

3) Less Risky

According to the National Association of Software and Service Companies (NASSCOM), the main reasons for India’s success in the ITES/BPO industry are its large skilled and English-speaking workforce, as well as India’s unique geographic location and investor-friendly tax structure.

One of the important reasons why India can become the number one outsourcing service provider is to reduce costs. Hence, outsourcing to India is always a less risky and very affordable option.

4) Better technology

Outsourcing companies in India offer their clients the perfect solutions when needed, be it simple data entry services or complex data analysis. It has become a magnet for companies looking for a development partner, technology partner or IT outsourcing company for any other technology needs.

The advanced technology of Indian enterprises significantly affects their ability to provide high-quality services. When companies outsource customer support to a BPO in India, they can expect first-class service from highly trained staff.

5) 24/7 support

The BPO services in Asian countries especially in India offer solutions relating to any queries associated with service 24/7, no matter the situation. The time distinction between Asia and European countries, and also the US, ranges from five to twelve hours.

Indian BPO corporations are open 24*7, thus businesses will meet deadlines and work sooner than time. Customers appreciate accessing services or having their queries answered twenty-four hours daily, seven days per week. It builds trust and a feeling of importance among the customers which indirectly helps businesses in the long term.

Bottom Line:

India is currently the most favored market for BPO services, especially for US and UK companies looking to outsource IT-related business processes.

Outperform your competitors, reduce your operating costs and gain access to skilled professionals by outsourcing your non-core business process work to India. If you are also planning to outsource your IT operations, India is the prime destination for such service

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